

english tutor,中學補習,補習社-美麗無關體重

english tutor,中學補習,補習社-美麗無關體重

【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】

In the award-winning American film Precious, the title character dreams of receiving the red-carpet treatment. 在備受贊譽的美國影片《珍愛》中,主人公夢想能夠接受紅地毯般的禮遇。 Yet her excessive weight effectively rules it out. 然而,由於肥胖,她的這個夢根本不可能實現。 Thousands of miles from Hollywood, a young Chinese woman named Zeng Jing is realizing Precious` dream by posing in front of the camera - and pictures of the overweight girl modeling large-size garments for her clothing store have brought her rave reviews. 在距好萊塢千裡之外的地方,中國女孩曾晶在鏡頭前展示著自己,《珍愛》中主角的夢想正在慢慢變成現實。與此同時,胖女孩曾晶為自己服裝店拍攝瞭大碼服裝展示照片,網友們對這組照片好評如潮。 "I think someone needs to stand out and demonstrate our beauty because it`s not easy to be appreciated by society," said Zeng, "And I think I can be the one." 曾晶說:“鑒於我們難以得到社會審美觀的認同,我想應該有人站出來展現胖女孩的美麗。而我就是這個人。” In 2008, a story about Zeng vying to become a model, together with a series of offbeat photos of her, including one half naked, were published in a Nanjing newspaper and its affiliated website. 2008年,一傢南京媒體在其報紙及網站上發表瞭曾晶立志成為模特的故事,同時刊登瞭她的一組個性寫真照,包括一張半裸照。 The photos received tens of thousands of hits and comments that day and were linked by numerous portals. 這組照片的點擊量過萬,成千上萬的網友跟帖評論。許多門戶網站也將其轉載發佈。 "I think she is amazingly beautiful," commented one of the netizens, "It seems a bit unfair that overweight girls have long been excluded from the notion of beauty." 一位網友評論到:“我認為她美極瞭。長久以來胖女孩一直與美麗絕緣,這似乎有點不公平。” In a country where the average weight for a girl is 60 kg, Zeng Jing weighs 110 kg, subverting the stereotypical view about models being tall and slim. 在中國,女孩平均體重為60kg,而曾晶的體重達到110kg,這也推翻瞭一直以來模特必須又高又瘦的觀念。 Zeng`s blog is admired by many women who are also overweight. They praise her courage for being a model, because they usually consider themselves "too weird to be exposed to the lens." 曾晶的博客受到許多胖女孩的愛戴。她們稱贊曾晶做模特勇氣可嘉,因為她們通常認為自己出現在鏡頭前太過奇怪。 Born at a regular 3.5 kg, she soared to 110 kg at age 16 and most of her schoolmates took her for a geek. 同大多數嬰兒一樣,曾晶出生時隻有3.5kg。到16歲時她的體重飆升到110kg,許多同學都拿她開玩笑。 Nicknames were common for Zeng. "Titanic" was one she remembers most clearly. 曾晶對於外號已經見怪不怪瞭。最令她記憶猶新的一個外號是“泰坦尼克號”。 Living with sneers and stares all through puberty, it was in the virtual world that Zeng was hailed as a "beauty" for the first time in her life. 她的整個青春期都是在譏諷嘲笑的目光中度過的,在虛擬世界裡她生平第一次被稱為美女。 She was working in a clothing store for overweight girls in Guangzhou in 2005 when she came across the Internet forum "Girls Happy Being Fat", where most of the members were girls weighing over 70 kg. Zeng initially posted photos of herself wearing clothes from the store, simply as a promotion. 2005年時,她在廣州一傢專營胖女孩服裝的專賣店工作,一天她偶爾瀏覽瞭一個名為“開心胖女孩”的論壇,論壇的主要成員都是體重超過70kg的女孩。起初,曾晶隻是想為店裡推銷生意,於是就上傳瞭一些服裝自拍照。 To her surprise, the photos won her top billing as "Forum Beauty". She was thrilled to be appreciated by strangers for the first time in her life. 令她出乎意料的是,這些照片幫她贏得瞭“論壇頭號美女”的稱號。生平第一次有陌生人欣賞自己,她有些喜出望外。 Instead of promoting clothes, Zeng made a handful of good friends in the forum who shared a lot of similarities besides weight. 曾晶不再推銷服裝,而是在論壇上交到瞭一群好友,除體重之外,她們還有許多共同點。 Soon they moved from the virtual world to hanging out together in real life. 很快她們就在現實生活中見面瞭,並且經常一起出去玩。 Nevertheless, one of her main problems still remains unsolved: landing a stable job. 然而,她的一個主要問題仍未解決,那就是得到一份穩定的工作。 She can`t remember how many times she was turned down before getting her first job as a salesgirl. What does remain clear is hearing "We don`t have room for someone as big as you" from employers. 在得到第一份售貨員工作之前,她記不清遭到瞭多少次拒絕。印象深刻的是一位雇主曾對她說:“你這麼胖,我們這恐怕裝不下你。” Though seldom bothered by her weight, the difficulty in finding jobs has led her to consider undergoing liposuction. 盡管很少在意自己的體重,但求職的艱難已經迫使她考慮要做抽脂手術瞭。 "I`d have the operation just for the hope of a better job, something different from a salesgirl or an online store owner," she said. 她表示:“做手術目的就是想找一份好點的工作,我不想再做售貨員或者是網店老板瞭。” "I`m hoping for a job with a good income after the operation," said Zeng Jing, "My biggest wish is to own a large garment company, and provide jobs to overweight girls like me." 曾晶說:“我希望手術以後自己能找到一份收入可觀的工作。我最大的願望就是成立一傢大碼服裝公司,為那些像我一樣的胖女孩們提供就業機會。”

