english tutor,中學補習,補習社-由於錯發英語郵件惹上的諸多麻煩 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 One in 20 people have been reprimanded at work for sending an ill-advised email, according to a survey。 一項調查顯示,5%的受訪者曾經因為發送錯誤的電子郵件而遭上司斥責。 Inappropriate jokes, angry messages sent in the heat of the moment, and scathing email replies forwarded to the wrong people are among some of the email gaffes that have landed office workers in hot water with their employers or clients。 不當的調侃、盛怒之下的抱怨以及錯發措辭尖刻的回復,這些錯發的郵件使得白領們在與上司和客戶的相處中置身於水深火熱的境地。 One in five of those questioned said they had sent an inappropriate email in the heat of the moment, while almost a third said they had accidentally hit “reply all” instead of “reply”。 五分之一的受訪者承認,因為一時沖動而發送瞭言辭不當的郵件;同時,也有近三分之一的人表示,自己一時疏忽錯把“全部回復”當做“回復”點擊瞭,從而惹來不必要的麻煩。 More than one in 10 of the 2,000 people surveyed admitted they had mistakenly sent an email criticising a colleague to the person they were insulting。 共有兩千人參與瞭該調查活動,其中有超過兩百名的受訪者承認有過將批評同事的郵件錯發給本人的經歷。 According to the research, carried out to mark the DVD release of Going Postal, the television adaptation of Terry Pratchett's novel, men were more likely to make an email gaffe than women, with 28 per cent admitting to sending an ill-judged message, compared to 17 per cent of women。 這項研究是為瞭慶賀電影《開始郵政》DVD的發佈而進行的,這部電影改編自法國著名幽默奇幻作傢特裡·佈拉切特的同名小說。研究發現28%的男性曾遭遇過發錯郵件的狀況,而隻有17%的女性犯過這個錯誤,男性錯發的幾率高於女性。 There have been a number of well-documented email gaffes. Last year, a worker at Deloitte had to resign after emailing colleagues asking them to name the best-looking man in the office, while in 2000, nine members of the Financial Services Authority were suspended after forwarding copies of explicit emails。 種種事實表明,郵件錯發事件數不甚數。去年,德勤會計師事務所的一名職員就因為群發郵件,詢問同事心中辦公室最英俊的男士,而不得不被炒魷魚;另外,在2000年,英國金融服務管理局九名員工被停職,原因就是他們把一封信公開地發給瞭許多人。 |
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