english tutor,中學補習,補習社-北京“占領男廁所”行動首戰告捷 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 Wang Lailin, 20, a university student from Zhengzhou, Henan province, felt the first flush of success after she used the men`s toilet in Beijing. 來自河南鄭州,20歲的大學生王萊琳(音譯)在北京使用過男廁後,第一次感到勝利的喜悅。 "Women were waiting outside and some were using the men`s toilet. So I followed them. It was quicker and I saved time as I had a train to catch," she said. 她表示:“女同胞們在廁所外面排隊等候,有一部分人去瞭男廁所,所以我也跟著她們去瞭。這樣更快捷,可以節省時間,因為我還要去趕車呢。” Wang is one of those who benefited from the "Occupy Men`s Toilet" group, which wants more public conveniences for women. 王萊琳是“占領男廁”行動的受益者之一。此次行動的目的是讓女性能在公共場所享有更多的方便。 Female students in Beijing on Sunday occupied cubicles in the men`s toilet near Deshengmen. Their purpose was to make sure that women who were waiting outside could use the facilities first. Volunteers outside the toilet held banners demanding "More conveniences for women, more gender equality". 上周日,一群北京女大學生占領瞭德勝門附近的某處男廁的廁位。她們此舉是想讓在外等候的女同胞們優先入廁。廁所外的志願者們手持橫幅,呼籲“讓女性更方便,讓男女更平等”。 "It`s more difficult for women to answer the call of nature than for men as there are insufficient public women`s toilets and the time women spend in the toilet is two or three times that of men," said organizer Li Tingting, 23, a university student from Beijing. 來自北京某高校,23歲的李婷婷(音譯)是此次活動的組織者。她表示:“由於公共女廁數量不足,女生如廁比男生要困難得多,而且女性使用廁所的時間是男性的2到3倍。” Li staged the first occupation on Feb 19 at a public toilet in Guangzhou, and set off a fierce public debate. 2月19日,李婷婷首次策劃瞭“廣州占領男廁所”活動,引發公眾熱議。 The urban management commission of Guangzhou responded last week. It said that since March, new and renovated women`s toilet cubicles in Guangzhou have been required to cover an area at least 1.5 times that of a men`s cubicle. Colleges and universities in Guangzhou have already enlarged women`s cubicles. 上周,廣州城市管理委員會對此作出回應,稱自3月起,廣州新建、改建的女廁廁位不得低於男廁的1.5倍。廣州的各大高校都已經增加瞭女廁的廁位。 Similar incidents can be traced back to 1996 in Taiwan. Following a protest by a group of female college students, toilet cubicles for women were enlarged. 類似的事件可以追溯到1996年。那時在臺灣,一群女大學生發起瞭抗議,隨後女廁廁位便得以增加。 According to an online survey on Sina Weibo about 84 percent of netizens, out of 2,824 who replied, were in favor of building more public toilets for women, while 9 percent were against it. 根據新浪微博的一項網絡調查顯示,在2824位回饋者中,有約84%的網民贊成修建更多女廁,僅有9%的網友表示反對。 The occupation is on a temporary basis out of understanding for men`s needs. 考慮到男士們的需求,占領活動都秉承短時的基本原則。 "We only occupy the men`s restroom for 3 minutes, holding it for women who are in a hurry to go to the toilet. A new round of `occupation` follows 10 minutes later. Men also need to use the facilities. Volunteers explain to passers-by just what is happening," Li said. 李婷婷表示:“我們每次占領男廁隻持續3分鐘的時間,讓那些內急的女士先如廁。新一輪的“占領”會在10分鐘後進行。男士們也需要上廁所。志願者會向行人們解釋緣由。 Li was adamant that the occupations are not anti-male. 李婷婷堅決聲稱占領活動並非歧視男性的。 Men also have mothers, wives and daughters, and they have to wait for their loved ones outside toilets, she said. 她表示,男士們也有母親妻女,他們也不得不在廁所外等候自己的愛人。 However, an elderly man in his 70s, who declined to be named, was angry at the occupation. 不過,一位年過七旬,不願透露姓名的大爺對此次占領活動表示很生氣。 "How could you do this? Men`s toilets are built for men, not for women. What if a man wants to go to the toilet? It`s over the top," he said. 他說:“你們怎麼可以這樣做?男廁是為男士而建,不是給女士使用的。如果有男士要上廁所怎麼辦?這太過分瞭。” Guo Jianmei, a public interest lawyer specializing in rights for women and children, saw it differently. "It`s more than an act. We should respect women`s rights. China has rules about public toilets but it`s difficult to carry them out." 專門從事婦女與兒童權益保護的公益律師郭建梅卻持不同觀點。她表示:“這不僅僅隻是一次行動那麼簡單。我們應該尊重婦女的權利。我國有關於公廁的規定,卻難於實施。” Guo said she is drafting a proposal on how to implement the rules, and would talk to some national legislators and political advisers. 郭建梅稱自己正在起草一份有關此類規定實施細節的提案,並將會和國傢立法人員與政治顧問進行商談。 In Beijing, the size ratio of men`s and women`s toilet cubicles is 1:1.5. But Li said the proportion should be 1:2 not just in Beijing but nationally, and unisex toilets should be promoted. 在北京,男女廁位的比例為1:1.5。但李婷婷表示不單單隻是在北京,全國范圍內的這一比例應達到1:2。此外還應推廣無性別公廁。 "Architects have to estimate how many people use a cubicle," said Jiang Zhongguang, a professor from the Urban Research Center at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 來自北京建築工程學院城市研究中心的蔣忠光教授(音譯)表示:“建築師們必須要估算出每個廁位的使用人數。” "We should also consider rush hour and off-peak hours. Increasing cubicle size means more investment," Jiang said. 蔣忠光還表示:“我們還要考慮高峰和非高峰時段。擴大廁位面積意味著增加投資。” The number of women`s cubicles should be increased in some places, such as shopping malls, because women go shopping more often than men, he said. 他說,應當增加一些場所的女廁廁位數量,比如購物中心,因為女士比男士更愛逛商場。 The cost of rebuilding urinals into unisex cubicles is not expensive, he said, but pointed out that they are only suitable in some places and there are issues of safety. 他表示,將小便池改建成無性別廁位的費用並不高。但同時也指出,無性別公廁隻適於某些場所,且存在安全問題。 "Taiwan is promoting unisex toilets and there is an alarm in each cubicle to avoid sexual harassment. I think that is a good idea," Li said. 李婷婷表示:“臺灣就在推廣無性別公廁,且每個廁位都裝有警報器,以防止性騷擾。我覺得這是個好辦法。” Cui Xuan, deputy chief of the environmental sanitation division at the Beijing municipal commission of city administration and environment, said the issue was important. 北京市市政市容管理委員會環衛處副處長崔軒稱這個問題需要重視。 "Unisex toilets are convenient for those who have to look after the physically challenged, the elderly or kids. Beijing has these toilets, mostly in urban areas." 崔軒表示:“無性別公廁可以為那些需要照顧殘疾人、老人和小孩兒的人提供方便。北京擁有這樣的公廁,大多數都建在市區裡。” |
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