english tutor,中學補習,補習社-"雷鋒"主題出版物井噴 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 近日,從新聞出版總署獲悉,為大力弘揚雷鋒精神、促進社會主義核心價值體系建設,我國出版界計劃推出132種弘揚雷鋒精神的出版物,目前已出版65種。這些出版物內容豐富,都是有系統整理雷鋒日記、詩歌、散文、講話、書信的珍貴文獻。有反映雷鋒生平事跡和故事的圖書;有解讀和學習“雷鋒精神”的圖書,通過表現發生在當代道德模范與先進性人物身上的感人事跡,為雷鋒所具有的奉獻、敬業、創新、創業等精神賦予新的時代意義。一些弘揚雷鋒精神的主題出版物已經成為市場上的暢銷書,取得較好社會效益和經濟效益。如華文出版社的《雷鋒全集》(珍藏版),自2月上旬推出以來,已經發行瞭20萬冊,並已簽訂外文版權合同。 A woman passes a wall with a portrait of Lei Feng near a bookstore in Shanghai, March 3, 2012. China's publishing industry plans to release some 132 types of Lei Feng-themed publications in memory of the country's icon of altruism, according to the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP). A young Chinese soldier in the 1960s, Lei Feng was known for devoting almost all his spare time and money to selflessly helping the needy. He died from injuries sustained from being hit on the head by a pole while helping a fellow soldier direct a truck on Aug 15, 1962, at an age of 22. A year later, late Chairman Mao Zedong called on the entire nation to follow Lei's example, and March 5 of every year is designated "Lei Feng's Day." According to a GAPP statement, these publications, of which 65 have already entered the market, include compilations of Lei Feng's diaries, poems, proses, speeches and letters, analysis of Lei Feng's life and theories as well as stories of other contemporary altruistic models. "Interpreting the rich meanings of the Lei Feng spirit and its contemporary value, these publications aim to promote the society to learn from his spirit and put it into practice," said the statement. Several books saw immediate popularity upon releasing. "Lei Feng Quan Ji," or the complete writings of Lei Feng, has sold 200,000 copies since early February. Some of the publications will be released in minority languages or in electronic format, according to the GAPP. |
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