english tutor,中學補習,補習社-校園生活省錢妙招大集合 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 With limited pocket money in hand, many Chinese college students are increasingly opting to live life "low cost." 因為兜裡的零花錢有限,越來越多中國大學生開始選擇“低成本的校園生活。 One way to do that, it seems, is team-buying. Online team-buying offers huge discounts and, not surprisingly, is gaining wide popularity on campus. 團購可能算是其中的一種。而網上團購可以獲得極低的折扣,自然廣受歡迎學生們的歡迎。 Li Jing, a student at the Beijing-based China Youth University for Political Sciences, for example, says she often buys movie tickets on team-buying websites. 就讀於中國青年政治學院的李晶(音譯)就是其中的一員。她說自己經常會在網上團購電影票,此外,她還經常上網搜羅各種國際品牌化妝品的團購信息。 But while they offer a good opportunity to save money, Li said she would "think twice before buying them from online stores" because many of them were "a bit chaotic," and had fake goods mixed among them. 雖然團購網站能提供省錢的機會,但李晶也表示自己在網購前會做到“三思而後行”,因為購物網站良莠不齊, “有點混亂”,企圖魚目混珠,以次充好。 So why don`t the students just earn more pocket money by taking up part-time jobs? Guo Jingna, a teacher at the Communication University of China, said most Chinese college students were unlikely to choose work-study programs to earn pocket money because of their intensive study schedules. 那麼,學生們為何不通過做兼職來賺零用錢呢?來自中國傳媒大學的郭金娜(音譯)老師表示,在中國,大多數大學生由於課業繁忙,而放棄勤工儉學來賺取零用錢這一途徑。 Forever discounts 永享折扣 A kind of coupon card called "VELO" has become another ideal choice for many money savers. It provides all-round discounts while dining out or shopping in general. 對於“省錢一族”來說,一種名為“維絡城”的優惠卡成為另一種理想之選。無論外出就餐還是購物,使用該卡都能享受各式各樣的折扣。但目前隻有一些大城市擁有這種打折服務。而一些生活在欠發達地區的學生在縮減日常開銷方面則是自有妙招。 Cao Zuyang, a student at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, often searches for sales online and buys things together with friends to cut down on delivery costs. Cao once wanted to buy an electro-magnetic oven, which was on sale at a shopping website. He then asked five dormitory roommates to pitch in for the oven. Each student only paid 25 yuan. 來自中國電子科技大學的曹祖洋(音譯)表示,他經常上網搜尋折扣信息,然後和朋友團購以節省運費。一次,他想在網上買一款正在促銷的電磁爐。隨後,他發動其他五個室友一起拼購,平均每人隻花瞭25元。 Low-cost travel 節約型旅行 Again, most students find it difficult to cope with the expense of accommodation while traveling. So frequently, they will choose to travel to cities where they have classmates and friends and live in their (friend`s) dorms. 另一方面,大部分學生難以承擔旅行時的住宿費用。因此,他們通常會選擇去同學或朋友所在的城市旅行,並借住在他們的宿舍裡。 For instance, Ge Rui, a student at the Hebei University of Technology, has been to many cities where he has friends. 河北工業大學的學生葛睿(音譯)曾到過許多城市,當然那裡都有許多自己的朋友。 "Friends can act as free guides, offer me free accommodation and give me valuable tour information, which saves money, time and energy," he said. 葛睿表示:“朋友既能充當義務導遊,又能提供免費住宿,還可以為我提供有用的旅遊信息,真是省錢、省時、省力。” Ge said he could "buy fewer beverages and clothes" while traveling, and "broaden my mind" at the same time. 葛睿說,如此旅遊可以在“少買飲料和衣服” 的同時,又“增長瞭見識”。 He said he, too, had friends from other cities coming over and living with him when they visited his city. 他還表示,自己也有許多朋友從天南地北來他這裡借住,遊玩。 |
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