english tutor,中學補習,補習社-女人愛犯的4大常見頭發錯誤 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 女人在外表方面都不免有些虛榮。事實上,女性全身上下最重要、也是花錢最多的地方是她們的頭發。女人們對頭發進行各種各樣的保養和護理,隻是為瞭確保頭發每天都看起來美美的,而且越來越美。有人堅信,頭發是女人的榮耀,為瞭讓這種榮耀得到保持,對頭發的常規護理絕不能僅僅停留在洗發水和護發素的使用上。然而,有些女人們在頭發上常犯的錯誤,大傢都應該吸取教訓,不要再犯這些錯誤。 1. Too Much Heat on the Hair 1. 對頭發過分加熱 There are various hair tools that women use these days such as blow dryer, ceramic straightener, and curling irons. They become more conscious on how their hair would look for today and the next day. It has become their partners each day whether they like curly hair or a more straight hair look. 現在女性用在頭發上的工具五花八門,比如吹風機、陶瓷直發器和卷發棒。女性對於每日發型的變換有瞭更清醒的認識。不論是喜歡卷發還是更中意直發造型,這些工具都成為瞭女人們每天的夥伴。 2. Wearing a Pony Tail 2. 紮馬尾 It does not mean that women should not wear any pony tail at all but wearing it frequently and putting it on the same position will damage the hairline gradually. It’s best to find various ways of putting hair accessories and not just the same pony tail, not doing it every day. It will cause hair breakage. 並不是說女人們完全不能紮馬尾,但是如果紮馬尾過於頻繁,而且每次都紮在同一個位置,將會逐漸對發際線構成損害。最好能用不同的方法來佩戴發飾,而不隻是每天都紮同樣的馬尾。這樣會導致頭發脫落。 3. Too Much Hair Products 3. 過度使用美發產品 Imagine your hair that has received shampoo, conditioner. After taking a bath, chemicals will be put on not just one, but two or more hair products such as styling gel, anti-hair frizz, and others. Yes, the thought of maintaining its shape and shine would not help, especially if an exaggerated amount is being damped into hair. 想象一下,你的頭發已經用香波洗幹凈並且塗上瞭護發素。洗完澡以後又要用上不止一種化學產品,可能是兩種甚至更多,比如造型啫喱、頭發柔順精華等等。是的,這也許並不能幫助你保持頭發的造型和光澤,尤其是在使用過量的時候。 4. No Regular Haircuts 4. 沒有定期修剪頭發 It does not mean that you would cut your hair shorter. It’s up to you. But to those who are used to maintaining long hair cut should once in a while by visiting the parlor to trim the hair down. It’s the best remedy in removing unhealthy hair, especially where split ends mostly appear. 這不代表你要把頭發剪短。頭發的長短由你決定。但是對於那些習慣留長發的人來說還是應該偶爾去把頭發修剪一下。這是去除不健康頭發的最佳辦法,尤其是對於那些出現分叉的頭發。 |
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